Russia: Putin’s Covid vaccine delay doesn’t undermine trust in Russian vaccine, Kremlin says

Covid vaccine

MOSCOW, December 28. /TASS/: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s delayed decision to get the coronavirus vaccine does not reflect badly in any way on the Russian vaccine, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

"Absolutely not," he said when asked the relevant question. The Kremlin representative highlighted that Russia had already launched vaccination for the population, while vaccine production is being boosted. "Therefore, we don’t see any connection here. After the Health Ministry’s conclusion on one vaccine, other vaccines will follow then, and then the president will make a decision," he added.

Peskov also noted Putin could not get inoculated with coronavirus vaccine without it being recognized as safe for people over 60.

The Kremlin representative earlier pointed out that the president had made the decision to get vaccinated but was waiting for "all formalities to be over."

"He told us that he will be vaccinated himself," Peskov recalled. "But he will say himself when and how it happened."

When asked if Putin will get the jab live, Peskov responded, "I don’t know, it depends on how he will make the decision."

Putin told his annual press conference on December 17 that he would get vaccinated as soon as possible. Putin then explained that he follows guidelines of specialists regarding age restrictions at this stage.

Last week, Peskov said that Putin can soon announce his vaccination. According to him, the president has repeatedly said that he will get the vaccine.

Earlier, the Russian Health Ministry cleared Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine to be used for seniors over 60.