Russia documents less than 23,000 daily COVID-19 cases first time since November 18

corona covid Russia

MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/: The number of confirmed COVID-19 infections in Russia over the past 24 hours has increased by 22,851, bringing the total to 3,401,954, the anti-coronavirus crisis center told journalists on Sunday.

For the first time since November 18 the number of new detected cases is below 23,000. According to the crisis center, the relative growth of new weekly cases has not surpassed 0.7% for two days.

The lowest daily growth rates were registered in the Republic of Tuva (0.1%), the Jewish Autonomous Region (0.3%).

Some 3,010 new cases over the past 24 hours have been detected in St. Petersburg, 1,292 - in the Moscow Region, 472 cases - in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, 390 - in the Voronezh Region, and 389 cases have been detected in the Rostov Region.

In all, currently 561,228 patients continue treatment in Russia.

Recoveries and deaths

The number of coronavirus patients discharged over the past 24 hours in Russia has increased by 24,080. In all, 2,778,889 patients have recovered.

According to the crisis center, the number of patients discharged daily has been surpassing the number of new detected infections for two days in a row. The total share of recoveries to date has increased to 81.7% of the total COVID-19 case tally in Russia.

Having recovered, in a day 2,684 patients were discharged in St. Petersburg, 1,399 patients - in the Moscow Region, 500 - in the Krasnoyarsk Region, 453 patients - in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, and 392 patients were discharged in the Sverdlovsk Region.

The number of COVID-19 fatalities in Russia over the past 24 hours has increased by 456 compared to 470 the day before. In all, 61,837 patients died of the infection.

According to the crisis center, the provisional lethality of the disease (the final one can be determined only after the end of the epidemic) remains at the level of 1.82%.

Over the past 24 hours, 50 fatalities were registered in St. Petersburg, 20 - in the Moscow Region, 18 fatalities - in the Nizhny Novgorod and Sverdlovsk Regions each, 16 - in the Krasnodar Region, and 15 fatalities were recorded in the Krasnoyarsk Region.