Russia slams US over accusing Iran of supporting Al-Qaeda

 Mike Pompeo

14 Jan 2021; MEMO: The US' recent claims about Iran becoming a "safe haven" for Al-Qaeda are "baseless", Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zamir Kabulov asserted on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, US State Secretary Mike Pompeo accused Iran of "actively supporting Al-Qaeda" and that Tehran was providing Al-Qaeda operatives with "travel documents and logistical support".

"It seems that Pompeo, at the end of Donald Trump's presidency, wants to do something else to hurt Iran. But this is absolutely unsubstantiated and unreasonable," Kabulov was quoted by Sputnik as stating.

He stressed that Moscow had: "No information about Tehran's possible links to Al-Qaeda."

Kabulov's remarks come a day after Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif went on social media to criticise Pompeo's accusations, describing them as "fictitious".

"Mr 'we lie, cheat, steal' [Pompeo] is pathetically ending his disastrous career with more warmongering lies," Zarif posted on Twitter.