SPA: 'War against Ethiopia might be our last option'

 Disputed Area between Sudan n Ethiopia

16 Jan 2021; MEMO: On Friday, the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) hinted at the possibility of waging war against Ethiopia, calling on the Ethiopian authorities to stop what it described as "provocations and attacks".

This came in a statement by the SPA, leader of the protest movement, in conjunction with the continuing armed tensions in border areas between the two countries.

The statement announced: "The Ethiopian side should stop provocations, end the violations against Sudanese lands and citizens immediately. The Ethiopian government should take real and practical measures to stop the aggressions committed on our land."

The statement added: "War must be an emergency and final option after exhausting all possible political and diplomatic options."

"The Sudanese people, despite all the love, appreciation and respect they have for their Ethiopian brothers and the distinguished relations between the two peoples, will defend their land and protect it at all costs," according to the statement.

The SPA remarked that Sudan responded only to the aggression, noting that the Sudanese armed forces would remain within the country's borders.

On Thursday, Sudan declared a civil aviation ban in the airspace of the Gedaref state, which borders Ethiopia, for "security reasons".

Recently, the land borders between Sudan and Ethiopia witnessed many intense developments, sparked by an armed attack targetting a Sudanese army force in Omdurman in mid-December.

The conflict in this region has been ongoing for decades, but remained within the scope of limited altercations between Ethiopian and Sudanese farmers, as Ethiopian gunmen attacked Sudanese farmers many times for looting and plundering, which led to many deaths and injuries, according to Khartoum.

Sudan accuses the Ethiopian army of supporting what it describes as "Ethiopian militias", which Addis Ababa denies, confirming that the attacks are launched by "outlaw groups".