Russia: West keeps talking about sanctions with 'maniacal persistency,' Kremlin says

Dmitry Peskov

MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS/: Russia seeks a solution to the most complicated issues in its relations with the West through dialogue, while the European Union and the United States keep talking about sanctions with maniacal persistency, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media on Wednesday, when asked for a comment about the possibility of new restrictions against Moscow.

"Regrettably, Brussels keeps talking about sanctions. So does the United States. With maniacal persistency. This is something we will never welcome. It is something that we do not like at all," Peskov said.

He stressed that Russia hoped "political will to continue the dialogue will gain the upper hand and the most complex issues in relations with the West will be resolved "exclusively within the framework of a dialogue."

"On the other hand, the potential threat of such unfriendly manifestations obliges us to stay mobilized and on guard," Peskov said.

He stressed that Moscow had never taken retaliatory measures that would be tantamount to shooting oneself in the foot.

"The response was always well-considered and agreed with our own interests," Peskov said, adding that Russia was prepared to take its partners’ concerns into consideration while attaching priority to its own interests.