Russia: ‘Highest priority’: War on poverty tops Putin administration’s agenda, says Kremlin

Dmitry Peskov

MOSCOW, February 25./TASS/: The struggle to defeat poverty in Russia faces certain difficulties, but national officials are not giving up on it, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Thursday.

"True, not everything works out well," he admitted, when commenting on the endeavors to do away with poverty in the country. "Yes, certain factors seriously impede this work sometimes. However, nobody is going to give up, and work on this will carry on," he pledged.

The war on poverty is "the highest priority" for the Russian authorities and the president. "It is this issue that appears in all national development plans. Of course, not a single one of the president’s addresses to the Federal Assembly goes without this topic, and efforts to fight poverty are carried out on a permanent basis," Peskov stressed.