Russia calls on EU officials to refrain from interfering in Moldova’s domestic affairs

Russian Foreign Ministry

MOSCOW, February 27. /TASS/: Moscow believes that Head of the EU delegation to Moldova Peter Michalko’s criticism of the Moldovan Coordination Council for Television and Radio Broadcasts constitutes interference in the country’s domestic affairs, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry noted that Michalko had criticized the council’s activities in a patronizing manner and called "for the creation of a legislative mechanism to protect Moldova from external disinformation."

"We urge the European Union’s officials and EU member states to abide by the rules of diplomatic behavior and refrain from openly interfering in the domestic affairs of sovereign countries," the statement said. "We expect that our European colleagues will remember that apart from the European Union Association Agreement, Moldova also has obligations within Eurasian integration organizations as it is a member of the CIS [the Commonwealth of Independent States] and an observer in the EAEU [the Eurasian Economic Union]," the Russian Foreign Ministry added.

The ambassadors of EU countries to Moldova earlier issued a joint statement in support of Michalko, whom Moldovan politicians had accused of meddling in the country’s internal affairs.