Russia may supply Ebola vaccine to Guinea - Consumer Rights watchdog


MOSCOW, March 13. /TASS/: After a request from the Guinean authorities, Russia is considering suppling domestic vaccine against the Ebola virus to the African country, head of the group of specialists of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing in Guinea Andrey Kritsky told TASS.

He recalled that highly effective vaccines have been created in Russia at the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology and at the watchdog’s Vector Center. "The issue of supplying Russian vaccine is being considered in accordance with the request of the health authorities of Guinea," Kritsky said.

The representative of the service also said that the Guinean authorities are planning a mass vaccination against Ebola.

An outbreak of Ebola in Guinea could lead to a pandemic on the African continent, while the risks for Russia are minimal thanks to the measures taken, Kritsky said. "The risks for Russia are minimal, since the situation is under the control of the service, which means not only monitoring the situation in real time, but also deploying additional measures: controlling all departing passengers, strengthening sanitary supervision at airports, and so on," he said.

In Guinea, where in 2021 the first person infected with the Ebola virus died on January 28, 18 infected have been identified so far, of which nine have died. The government of the country announced on February 14 the beginning of the Ebola pandemic in the southeast of the country.