Russia: Gamaleya Center moves to Phase Three trials of drug against antibiotic resistance

Alexander Gintsburg

MOSCOW, May 20. /TASS/: The Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology is developing a drug which resolves the issue of the antibiotic resistance, Phase Three trials are beginning, Director of the Center Alexander Gintsburg said.

"The next preparation which may be in demand by the entire world’s population <...> is a drug which resolves the problem related to the antibiotic resistance. Such a drug against which no antibiotic resistance should be developed, which has a very wide range of action. Currently, we are practically moving on to Phase Three of the trials of this drug," he told the Russia-24 TV channel.

The developer noted the innovative nature of this preparation, explaining that its principle of action in many ways differs from antibiotics.

"Yet actually it resolves the same problem the antibiotics do. Yet not at the expense of killing, turning off the major vital functions of a bacterium but by turning off the major vital factors of the bacterial pathogenicity without influencing the proliferation of the bacterium itself. At first it disarms it and then the immune system of our body kills the already disarmed bacterium by the most classic means, using the same phagocytosis (when cells completely digest each other - TASS) using the same specific antibodies developed to this bacterium which are not dangerous anymore against the background of this drug," the developer added.