Turkey and Russia consult on Syria and Libya

09 June 2021; MEMO: Turkish officials have met with their counterparts at the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow for consultations on the latest developments in Syria and Libya. According to the ministry, the delegations reaffirmed their commitment to the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Syria.

Moreover, said Moscow, both sides expressed satisfaction with the implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreements aimed at maintaining the ceasefire in Syria and combating the presence of international terrorists on Syrian territory.

The delegations discussed preparations for the sixteenth International Meeting on Syria in the Astana format. They also exchanged views on ways to revitalise the Syrian political process, including the work of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

The Russian delegation was represented by Deputy Foreign Minister and the Special Representative of the President of Russia for the Middle East and Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov. His Turkish counterpart, Sedat Onal, led Ankara's delegation.

During the discussion of the Libyan issue, progress was noted on the political, military and economic tracks in the context of the work of the transitional authorities in preparation for the 24 December General Election. With a ministerial meeting planned for 23 June in Berlin to discuss the implementation of the decisions of the International Conference on Libya, which was held in the German capital in January last year, this was also on the agenda.

The two parties agreed to maintain regular discussions on a set of issues to promote an early comprehensive settlement of the Libyan crisis.