Russia to maintain foreign policy course after parliamentary election — Lavrov


SAMBEK SETTLEMENT /Rostov region/, August 13. /TASS/: Moscow will continue to pursue a foreign policy aimed at creating external conditions for domestic development after September’s election to the State Duma (the lower house of parliament), Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday at a meeting with civil society members at the Sambek Heights Museum Complex dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

"The core interests of our country require us to resist [Western] provocations and follow our own path for decades and centuries to come. It is a policy that our people chose and it will evolve after the election campaign comes to an end in September," he pointed out.

According to Lavrov, the main goal of Russia’s foreign policy is to create the best external conditions for the country’s domestic development, improve the welfare of its people and protect the rights of Russian nationals and businesses on the international stage. "We have every reason to make our foreign policy reflect the goals that we have," the Russian top diplomat added.

The State Duma elections are scheduled for the Unified Election Day, September 19, 2021. Voting will last three days, from September 17 to 19. In addition, nine Russian constituent entities will hold direct elections of regional heads and 39 regions will elect regional assemblies. In three more regions, top officials will be elected by legislative assemblies. Lavrov’s name was put on the United Russia party’s election list at President Vladimir Putin’s initiative.