Lavrov to deal with foreign policy sector on United Russia program — commission chair


MOSCOW, September 27./TASS/: The commission for international cooperation and support for compatriots abroad that will be led by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will engage in the implementation of the foreign policy section of the party’s national program, the deputy secretary of the United Russia Party General Council, Andrei Klimov, told TASS on Monday.

"The commission that I lead this is a commission of the Presidium of the party’s General Council, our main task is international interparty relations," said Klimov, who heads the commission of the party General Council’s Presidium for international activity. He noted that he would continue to deal with international interparty relations.

"We have a new section in the party program, which we did not have earlier, it is not about international interparty contacts, it is about international activity," he said. "This is a major and serious foreign policy issue, that is broader and deeper than just international interparty ties, that is why Lavrov will head this area," Klimov explained.

He said that Lavrov would be dealing with the implementation of the party program’s section devoted to foreign policy activity, which includes cooperation between the parliaments, people’s diplomacy, and other issues.

Klimov stressed that the commission of the Presidium of the General Council already used to cooperate with the Foreign Ministry "on a weekly, if not daily basis." "As deputy secretary of the party’s General Council, I have my own area of work. I will be dealing with it as this was done earlier" in cooperation with the Foreign Ministry, he specified.

On Monday, President Vladimir Putin announced that the leaders of the United Russia electoral list would lead specialized commissions in their party work. Lavrov, for one, will head the commission for international cooperation and support of compatriots abroad. A lot has to be done on that front, including the updating of the migration policy, Putin stressed.