US military equipment shipments to Moldova complicate Transnistrian settlement — diplomat

Russian Foreign Ministry Deputy Spokesman Alexey Zaytsev

MOSCOW, September 30. /TASS/: Shipments of US military equipment to Moldova additionally complicate the settlement of the Transnistria conflict, Russian Foreign Ministry Deputy Spokesman Alexey Zaytsev said Thursday.

"We believe that such steps that fit in the general line of Washington and Brussels of pulling Moldova in Euro-Atlantic structures are unlikely to improve the trust between the two shores of Dniester, and will additionally complicate the already stalling settlement process," he said.

The diplomat noted that the shipped equipment was worth $5 million total, and several more shipments are planned before the end of this year. He explained that the equipment includes small arms, communication devices, light artillery systems and armored cars.

"The stated goal is the improvement of Moldovan Armed Forces’ potential and their operational compatibility for participation in international peacekeeping operations," Zaytsev said.

According to its Constitution, Moldova is a neutral state. However, a NATO communications bureau operates in the country, seeking to improve the interaction effectiveness. Moldovan military took part in peacekeeping operations in Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sudan, South Sudan, Georgia and Iraq.