New Italian ambassador hails Russia as major economic partner

MOSCOW, October 1. /TASS/: Russia is Italy's major economic and trading partner, and the two countries are bound by deep historical and cultural ties, new Italian Ambassador to Moscow Giorgio Starace said in a statement provided to TASS by the embassy's press service.

"For Italy, Russia is a major economic and trading partner. Our country has made strategic investments here, a great many Italian businessmen are active on this market," the statement reads.

The envoy pointed out that Italy and Russia were bound by deep historical, cultural, and friendly ties that he vowed to boost further. "Russians have an innate fondness for Italy, they love our country and our lifestyle. They prove it by choosing goods marked 'Made in Italy,' whose market share has been increasing," Starace noted. "The embassy will continue to protect the interests of Italians in Russia. We will be there for you and provide assistance to our companies," he added.

"I know that the Russian people's love for Italy generates a lively and genuine passion for our culture. After a lengthy slowdown caused by the pandemic, we are ready to resume work to promote culture, which is an essential part of Italy's presence in Russia," Starace added. "My own work for the benefit of Italy in Russia will cover all the numerous fields of our cooperation and will also be aimed at reaching out to new areas, relying on the great potential that your country has," the Italian envoy emphasized.

Starace, 62, has been in the diplomatic service since 1985. He served as a counselor at the Italian mission to the United Nations in New York, as well as at the Italian embassies in Guatemala, India, and China, and as ambassador to Abu Dhabi and Tokyo.