Russia registered cyberattacks from US, Germany, Ukraine during Duma elections — diplomat

Oleg Syromolotov

MOSCOW, October 18. /TASS/: Russia registered cyberattacks from the US, Ukraine, and Germany, among other places, during the State Duma Elections days, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov said in an interview for TASS.

"We have indeed registered a spike in interference on state informational systems during the preparation and the process of the September 2021 voting days. We registered cyberattacks at the Central Elections Commissions servers during the voting days from US, Ukrainian and German address space, among other places," Syromolotov noted.

He underscored that Moscow views these actions as attempts to affect the will of the Russian citizens.

The Russian State Duma elections took place between September 17 and 19. The United Russia political party received 324 seats, the Communist Party received 57, A Just Russia - Patriots - For Truth received 27, the Liberal Democratic Party got 21, the New People got 13, while the Homeland, the Civic Platform and the Party of Growth got one seat each. Five seats were granted to self-nominees.