Palestine: PA warns of religious war due to Israel's crimes

 Riyad Mansour

02 Dec 2021; MEMO: Palestinian Authority (PA)'s permanent envoy to the UN, Riyadh Mansour, yesterday warned of a religious war in the Middle East due to the "continuous Israeli crimes against the Palestinians."

During a meeting held in the headquarters of the UN General Assembly, Mansour said: "The time has come to put an end to the sufferings of the Palestinian people and end the Israeli occupation."

"The Palestinians do not seek more than what the international law guarantees for them, but will not accept less than this. No power on earth could prevent them from achieving this goal."

He stressed: "The Palestinians experienced the consequences of oppression and deprivation for decades; however, they have never lost hope and aspiration to live freely in their land without discrimination or need for anyone."

The PA's envoy to the UN warned of the consequences of the absence of political solutions and failure to hold Israel accountable for "war crimes it commits every day."

Israel's insistence on ignoring "the right to return for the Palestinian refugees, increase of its hostilities against the UN Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and persistence on the retention of its apartheid policies threaten international peace and security."