West ‘shut eyes, ears with blinds,’ unwilling to hear Russia’s points on Bucha — Kremlin


MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/: Russia systematically explains its position on the situation in Bucha, but the collective West "shut its eyes and ears with blinds" and is not willing to listen, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Tuesday.

He noted that, previously, the Russian position was "rather systematically explained" by Permanent Representative to the UN Vasiliy Nebenzya and by the Ministry of Defense.

"The information was delivered. But, on the other hand, there is an impression that the collective West simply shut its eyes and ears with blinds and does not want to listen about anything. This is regrettably a reality, [but], despite all that, we still intend to actively promote our arguments," the spokesman said.

Commenting on the possibility of an investigation of the Bucha situation, the spokesman noted hat "it is necessary to consider, how possible a truly impartial, unbiased, and neutral investigation is at this moment."

"We continue to insist that all accusations against Russia, against Russian military are not merely groundless, but a well-directed show, nothing else but a tragic show," Peskov said.

According to the spokesman, the entire progress of events, a huge amount of information, facts and other parameters clearly prove that the situation in Bucha is a forgery, designed to smear the Russian army.

"They will not succeed; we once again call on, first and foremost, UN Security Council members, Western leaders to refrain from an emotional perception, based on nothing, and just to think rationally and to attempt to juxtapose the facts, in order to understand what kind of horrific forgery we are talking about," the spokesman said.

He also noted that Russian diplomats continue their attempts to deliver information to the United Nations.

"Our diplomats are working in the UN, the work continues. You know that our work is being undermined in rather unprecedented ways, our initiatives are being blocked, but, despite that, we will not stand idly by," Peskov concluded.

The situation in Bucha

On April 3, Russian Ministry of Defense debunked Kiev’s accusations of murder of civilians in the town of Bucha, Kiev Region. The ministry stated that Russian forces have completely left Bucha on March 30 already, while "evidence of crimes" only appeared four days later, when Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) officers arrived in Bucha. The Ministry of Defense also underscored that, on March 31, Bucha Mayor Anatoly Fedoruk confirmed that there were no Russian forces in the town, without mentioning any shot civilians. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the situation in Bucha a "fake news attack."

On Monday, Russian Permanent Representative to UN Vasiliy Nebenzya held an emergency press conference after the UK, which currently presides in the UN Security Council, rejected Russian requests for a meeting on Bucha twice in one day. During the press conference, Russian diplomats presented video footage made in Bucha immediately after the withdrawal of the Russian forces: there were no bodies on the streets.