Russian diplomat accuses Ukraine’s envoy of undermining interethnic accord in Kazakhstan

Maria Zakharova

MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/: Ukraine's Ambassador to Kazakhstan Pyotr Vrublevsky is openly engaged in undermining interethnic accord in his host country, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a commentary on Tuesday.

"It is impossible to imagine how an ambassador - a person who is supposed to strengthen bilateral relations - is openly engaged in undermining interethnic harmony in the host country, calling for the destruction of citizens of this country on ethnic grounds," the diplomat said in comments on public appeals from Vrublevsky to kill "as many Russians as possible." Over three million ethnic Russians live in the country to which he is the ambassador, she emphasized.

"The telling silence on the part of Kiev about these calls is very revealing. It can’t be called anything other than an endorsement," the diplomat stressed.

"Pyotr Vrublevsky's statements once again prove the terrorist, anti-human nature of the Kiev regime, especially against the background of the recent murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina by Ukrainian special services," the diplomat said.

Moscow expects Nur-Sultan to react to the Ukrainian ambassador's public call to kill ‘as many Russians as possible’, the spokeswoman went on to say.

"We are sure that Nur-Sultan will react to these statements of the Ukrainian ambassador. We know that he has already been summoned to the republic’s Foreign Ministry. As far as we know, there are also petitions from the citizens of Kazakhstan that demand deportation of this ‘diplomat’ who violated not only elementary diplomatic rules and ethics, including the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961, but also Article 174 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which envisages up to seven years in prison for ‘inciting social, national, tribal, racial, class or religious hatred’," the diplomat noted.