Iran: Supreme leader says ultimate goal of US in starting wars in Iraq, Afghanistan was Iran, but it failed

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Tehran (ISNA) – Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces, met with Iranian commanders and senior military officials on Sunday during which, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that “the enemy can be defeated despite its seemingly solid calculations and military power.”

Ayatollah Khamenei expressed his satisfaction with the continuous movement and progress that is taking place within the country’s armed forces, advising them to not be satisfied with any level of strength and progress and to advance forward without stopping.

The Leader also drew attention to the war-mongering efforts of evil international forces in different parts of the world, outlining that the Arrogant Powers start a conflict from behind the scenes whenever they believe that something will serve their interests.

"Focusing on the enemy's long-term plans" was another important point that the Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized to the commanders and senior officials of Iran’s Armed Forces.

“Paying close attention to the enemy's five or ten-year plans is good and necessary, but its mid-term and long-term plans should also be considered and monitored,” he said.

Referring to the two wars that the United States started in the east and west of Iran about two decades ago, the Commander-in-Chief of Iran’s Armed Forces said that the Americans had interests in Iraq and Afghanistan, but their ultimate goal was the Islamic Iran; however, due to the very strong foundations of the Islamic Revolution they failed in these events and in their ultimate purpose.

Referring to this fact, Imam Khamenei added that, “therefore, the enemy can be defeated despite its seemingly solid calculations and military power.”

He cited the current situation that the Zionist regime is grappling with as another example of such failures. “Last year, the Zionist regime's anti-Palestinian operation in the month of Ramadan was not met with any particular reaction in the world, but this year there are demonstrations against its crimes, even in the United States and England.”

Ayatollah Khamenei considered it important not to neglect the enemy, while at the same time, believing in its defeatability. “At no stage should we be nefligent with respect to the enemy’s tricks and plots,” he said.

At the conclusion of his speech, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution called on the intellectual centers and elements of the Armed Forces to continuously and innovatively design strong, rational, and path-breaking strategies and policies.

Prior to the Leader’s speech, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, gave a report on the plans and actions of the Armed Forces in various dimensions.