Iran uncovers Israel spy cell planning mass sabotage operations


25 July 2023; MEMO: The Iranian Ministry of Security said yesterday it had disbanded a major network allegedly sponsored by Israel's Mossad spy agency that planned to carry out several acts of sabotage in the country.

Iranian TV quoted the ministry as saying that all the cell members had been arrested with 43 bombs in their possession.

"The terrorists were planning to carry out sabotage operations on the eve of the Muharram ceremony, including bombing the tomb of the late General Qassem Soleimani," the ministry said, pointing out that the network's leaders reside in Denmark and the Netherlands.

On Sunday, the Iranian security forces said they disbanded another cell, and arrested all four members who planned to carry out "terrorist acts inside the country", according to the Iranian IRNA news agency.

Over the past year, authorities have announced the discovery of a number of spy networks supported by Israel that planned bombing operations against Iranian defence industries.

Iran accuses the Israeli and Western intelligence services of interfering in its internal affairs and incitement in order to spread chaos in the country.