PA condemns Israel’s approval of 2,300 new settlement in occupied areas

8 Aug 2019; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority (PA) yesterday condemned Israel’s approval of 2,300 settlement units in the occupied West Bank.

In a radio interview, the PA’s Foreign Minister Riyadh Al-Maliki said: “Israel got the support of the current American administration to escalate its settlement projects in the Palestinian territories.”

Al-Maliki said that the PA’s leadership is exerting efforts to face the escalating Israeli settlement project, stating that the effort included filing a complaint to the International Criminal Court.

He called for international condemnation of the Israeli escalation of settlement projects which clearly violate UN resolutions and undermine the two-state solution.

Israeli rights group, Peace Now, revealed the Israeli plan of building 2,300 new settlement units on Tuesday, noting “this is part of the disastrous Israeli government’s policy aiming to undermine any prospect of peace and is an obstacle ahead of the two-state solution.”

Peace Now also said that the Israeli government’s policy aims to annex “parts or all” of the occupied West Bank.