US to maintain 8,600 troops in Afghanistan

Afghan War

WASHINGTON, Aug 30 (NNN-UPI) — US President Donald Trump announced plans Thursday to maintain a presence of 8,600 troops in Afghanistan in the midst of a large scale withdrawal from the country.

Speaking during an interview on Fox News Radio, Trump said the United States would decrease its presence to 8,600 troops and then make a determination as to what further steps to take.

“We’re not fighting a war over there — we’re just policemen,” Trump said.

Roughly 14,000 troops are stationed in Afghanistan, advising and assisting Afghan forces and conducting counter-terrorism operations against groups such as the Daesh and al-Qaida.

Trump’s comments come after Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen said that the two sides were close to a deal that would have the United States and foreign forces withdraw from Afghanistan in exchange for a commitment from the Taliban to not use the nation to launch terrorist attacks against the United States.

Full removal of troops from Afghanistan has faced criticism from some opponents who fear such a withdrawal could allow for a resurgence of terrorist groups in the country.

“We may be in such a rush to remove our forces that we find ourselves on the cusp of a strategic blunder,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on Wednesday.

“Any deal that calls for withdrawing our forces completely from Afghanistan is a bad deal for the United States.”