Egypt: Abdullah Morsi’s body buried at night, amid tight security

Abdullah Morsi

6 Sep 2019; MEMO: The son of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was buried last night after authorities allowed the body to be released from the morgue amidst tight security.

Abdullah Morsi was released from the Zeinhom morgue in Cairo after prayers were held for him in the absence of his body.

His brothers Ahmed and Omar and his mother Najla Mahmoud accompanied the corpse to his final resting place alongside his father who passed away on 17 June.

Source close to the family told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that security officials issued stern warnings to Abdullah’s brothers to ensure there were no large gatherings during the time of the burial.

The Oasis Hospital in Hadayek Al-Ahram, in Giza Governorate, said in the official medical report that Abdullah arrived at the emergency department at 9:30pm on Wednesday having suffered a heart attack. His heart had stopped beating and his respiratory system had also ceased, it said.

Medical teams tried to resuscitate him but he was declared dead at 10pm.