Hamas Hails European Court’s Decision To Remove It From World’s Terrorism List

 Hazem Qassem

GAZA, Sept 7 (NNN-WAFA) – The Hamas movement hailed on Friday, the decision of a European court to cancel the listing of Hamas and its armed wing, al-Qassam Brigades, from the world’s list of terrorism.

Hazem Qassem, Hamas spokesman in Gaza, said that, the decision to remove Hamas and its armed wing from the world’s terrorist list “is positive and a right step in the right direction.”

“We hope this decision will lead to the removal of the name of the movement from any unjust list,” said Qassem, adding that, “resisting the Israeli occupation is legal, in accordance with international conventions and laws.”

He also said that “classifying his movement or any of the Palestinian resistance factions as terrorist groups, is completely unjust and not fair for the legal struggle of the Palestinian people against the occupation.”

He added that, his movement “will continue to practise its right of defending the Palestinian people, until we grab our freedom and the right to establish our independent Palestinian state.”

According to local websites, the movement’s attorney in Europe, Khaled al-Showly, said, the European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg, decided to remove the Hamas movement and its armed wing, al-Qassam Brigades, from the world’s list of terrorism.