Russia won’t need contract with Kiev to supply gas to EU via Ukraine 2020 - source


BRUSSELS, September 15. /TASS/: For uninterrupted gas transit to the EU in 2020 Ukraine and Russia won’t have to sign a new gas contract provided that Kiev meets its commitments on implementing European energy rules in its legislation, a source in the European energy sector told TASS.

According to the source, Kiev has undertaken commitments as a member of the European energy community to implement in its legislation by January 1, 2020 European energy norms, including on holding auctions of reserving transit capacities.

"Thus, even if there is no contract, Ukrainian gas and transport system’s operator will be obliged to put up for an auction its transit capacities, which Gazprom will be able to buy for carrying out short-term and medium-term supplies. So, even the lack of a contract won’t lead to suspending gas transit to the EU," the expert said.