World must take steps to compel Myanmar for Rohingya return: Bangladesh PM

Sheikh Hasina

NEW YORK, Sept 27 (NNN-BSS) –Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said the world must take all measures to compel Myanmar to create conditions enabling the Rohingyas’ safe, dignified and voluntary repatriation to their ancestral homes.

“Rohingya crisis is a formidable challenge for Bangladesh … we want a peaceful and immediate resolution of the crisis. Myanmar has created the crisis and the solution lies in Myanmar,” she said.

The prime minister made the comments while participating in an interactive dialogue — “A conversation with Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina” — at the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) here.

The premier also placed a four-point proposal to fight terrorism and violent extremism terming the twin social menaces as a significant challenge to Bangladesh’s economic progress and humanity.

Firstly – the source of supply of arms to the terrorists must be stopped; secondly – the flow of financing to the terrorists and their outfits must be stopped; thirdly – the divisions within societies must be removed and fourthly – the principle of peaceful settlement of international disputes through dialogue for a win-win situation must be pursued.

Sheikh Hasina said the government of Myanmar, through a planned atrocity, cleansed Rohingya minority from Northern Rakhine State. “The Rohingyas fled violence and atrocities and we opened our border to shelter them on humanitarian ground,” she said.

The prime minister said the government is providing humanitarian support to the best of its ability to the Rohingyas.

Sheikh Hasina said the international community, particularly the EU, China and the USA, have been extremely helpful to Bangladesh in dealing with the crisis.

The prime minister said this humane decision came from their own experience in 1971 during the war of independence when 10 million of people from Bangladesh took refuge in neighbouring India.

Elaborating her government’s steps to contain terrorism and violent extremism, Sheikh Hasina said her government has taken a “Zero Tolerance” policy against terrorism as it believes that terrorists do not belong to any religion or boundaries.

“We have equipped our law enforcement agencies and taken steps to socially isolate those indulged in the social vices,” she said.

The premier said the government has also taken digital measures to stem the spread of lies and hate narratives. “In countering terrorism, we have excellent cooperation with both regional and global partners,” she said.

Later, the prime minister replied to the questions on various issues including Rohingyas, Muslim Ummah unity, the situation in RMG sector, food security, social safety net programmes and women empowerment.

Responding to a question on the Rohingya repatriation, Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh had dialogue with Myanmar and the discussion is still going on and international community also supported it.

“The problem is that these people (Rohingyas) don’t want to go back as they feel insecure,” she said.

She said then the Bangladesh and Myanmar started dialogue for repatriation of the Rohingyas.

“At one stage, Myanmar agreed to take back their nationals from Bangladesh. But in the Rohingya camps, some people instigated them not to go back home,” she said.

She said the Myanmar should create an atmosphere so that the Rohingyas can go back and stay in their own land.