India: Xi Jinping arrives to grand welcome in Chennai airport

Xi Jinping

Chennai, Oct 11 (PTI) Chinese President Xi Jinping was treated to Tamil cultural performances by folk dancers and Bharatanatyam artistes while scores of children greeted him by waving Indian and Chinese flags as he arrived here on Friday.

On his arrival at the airport here, a red carpet welcome was accorded to Xi who was received by Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit, Chief Minister K Palaniswami, Deputy Chief Minsiter O Panneerselvam and Tamil Nadu Assembly Speaker P Dhanapal.

About 500 Tamil folk artistes rendered performances including "tappattam," and "poi kal kuthirai" while a group of colourfully dressed women presented a Bharatanatyam programme to the accompaniment of 'thavil' and 'nadaswaram' (traditional percussion and wind instruments respectively) music.

A smiling Xi waved at the artistes as he paused briefly before moving on slowly.

Temple priests with traditional honours greeted him before he boarded his car.

As he exited through the VVIP Gate No. 5, the Chinese leader was greeted by school children, lined up on the sides of the road, who waved Chinese and Indian flags.

From the airport, Xi arrived at the ITC Grand Chola Hotel in Guindy, his place of stay here, within a few minutes, covering the distance of about five kilometers.

Xi is scheduled to hold informal summit talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at nearby coastal town of Mamallapuram this evening and on Saturday.