Ukraine's militants violate ceasefire 13 times in one day - DPR


DONETSK, November 3. /TASS/: The Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) have violated the ceasefire 13 times during the past day, having launched more than 142 projectiles on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), head of the DPR group in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire (JCCC) Ruslan Yakubov said on Sunday.

"Over the past day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) violated the ceasefire 13 times," the Donetsk news agency quoted him as saying. "The total number of projectiles used by the UAF is 142."

According to Yakubov, ten settlements of the DPR came under fire from the Kiev security forces. For shelling, the Ukrainian side used mortars of 120 and 82 mm caliber, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, grenade launchers, small arms, including large-caliber ones. As a result of shelling in the village of Staromikhaylovka in the west of Donetsk, the roof of the house is damaged.

At a meeting in Minsk on July 17 the participants declared that a comprehensive and termless ceasefire will start operating in Donbass on July 21. The ceasefire statement included the key obligations of the sides on additional measures for observing the ceasefire. However, Ukraine’s servicemen violated the agreement later in the day by shelling the village of Novaya Tavriya in the southern DPR with small arms.