Israeli Settlers attack Fatah official during Hebron tour

 Israeli settler harrasing Fatah official

7 Nov 2019; MEMO: Illegal Jewish settlers yesterday attacked Fatah’s deputy leader Mahmoud Al-Aloul as he toured the occupied Old City of Hebron, Anadolu Agency reported.

Hebron Municipality said in a statement that a “group of Jewish settlers” attacked Al-Aloul and the delegation accompanying him during a tour of the Old City.

The statement said that the Jewish settlers prevented Al-Aloul from completing his tour.

A video clip posted on the internet shows Al-Aloul being surrounded by a large number of the Israeli occupation forces who were trying to protect him from the settlers. They escorted him out of the Old City.

The settlers, Anadolu said, screamed at and insulted the Fatah official and the delegation with him.

The Old City lies in the heart of the occupied city of Hebron, where about 500 hardline Israeli Jewish settlers live illegally under the protection of about 1,500 Israeli soldiers.