Israel arrests female Palestinian activist days after releasing father

12 Dec 2019; MEMO: On Wednesday morning Israeli occupation forces arrested Palestinian journalist and activist, Bushra Al-Taweel, just one week after her father was released from an Israeli prison, Safa Press Agency reported.

Al-Taweel is a Palestinian journalist and activist, who reports on Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli prisons.

Her father, Jamal Al-Taweel, was released only one week ago from an Israeli prison, after spending 20 months under administrative detention.

Bushra Al-Taweel was detained several times by the Israeli occupation, and was arrested at her home in the West Bank city of Al-Bireh.

When the Israeli occupation forces raided the city for her arrest, they ransacked her home along with many other Palestinian homes.

During the raid, Palestinian youths clashed with the Israeli occupation forces, throwing stones at them. While the Israeli occupation forces used gas canisters, live ammunition and steel coated with rubber bullets against the youths.