Palestinian Foreign Ministry accuses Israel of apartheid, terrorizing critics

RAMALLAH, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- The Palestinian Foreign Ministry on Saturday accused Israel of anchoring apartheid through legislations that terrorize critics.

The ministry said in a statement that an Israeli draft law that would impose stiff prison term on activists in the anti-Israel boycott movement seeks to terrorize Israel critics.

An Israeli ministerial committee for legislation is going to discuss on Sunday a bill proposed by Likud members calling for imposing between seven and 10-year prison sentence on anyone that is active in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement and calls for boycotting Israel culturally and economically.

"The occupying power (Israel) is quickly moving from an apartheid state to a fascist state," said the Foreign Ministry statement, adding that Israel is seeking to terrorize critics through legislating laws that clearly violate international law.

The statement condemned what it described as "discriminatory" laws, particularly the recently passed nation-state law, accusing the Israeli government of "violating the principles of human rights."

The ministry urged "specialized regional and international organizations to raise its voice to expose the flagrant violations of human rights principles, top most being the freedom of expression."