Cavusoglu denies granting Turkish citizenship to Syrians in exchange for fighting in Libya

Mevlut Cavusoglu

17 Jan 2019; MEMO: Turkish foreign affairs minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, refuted allegations over granting Turkish citizenship, or offering compensation, to soldiers affiliated with the Free Syrian Army, in exchange for fighting in Libya.

In response to the allegations, Cavusoglu indicated in statements to CNN Turk that: “These allegations are completely false.”

Turkey has previously confirmed sending military personnel to Libya, within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding on strengthening military security cooperation with the Al-Wefaq government, but it has vehemently denied reports on the transfer of Syrian militants to Libya.

Cavusoglu stressed that the agreement reached with the internationally-recognised Libyan Government of National Accord is in line with the United Nations resolutions and international law.