Israeli helicopter strikes on central Gaza targets

GAZA, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- An Israeli army helicopter attacked early on Saturday morning a military facility that belongs to Islamic Hamas movement's military wing in central Gaza Strip, no injuries reported, medics and security officials said.

Security officials said that the Israeli airstrike on central Gaza Strip was carried out shortly after Gaza militants fired a rocket into southern Israel.

No one claimed responsibility for the rocket attack and no injuries or damages were caused, according to Israeli media reports.

Medical sources in Gaza said that no injuries were reported following the Israeli airstrike on a military facility that belongs to Hamas armed wing in central Gaza Strip.

Firing the rocket from Gaza into Israel came after one Palestinian was shot dead and six wounded by Israeli soldiers' gunfire during the weekly protests known as the "marches of return and breaking the siege in eastern Gaza Strip" close to the border with Israel.

The anti-Israel protests and rallies began on March 30 and insist on ending a 12-year tight blockade imposed by Israel on the narrow and densely polluted impoverished coastal enclave.

Before the death of the Palestinian demonstrator in southern Gaza Strip, the Gaza Military Joint Chamber of perations had warned Israel that militants would respond if Israeli soldiers shoot and kill any of the protesters.

The Israeli airstrike on central Gaza Strip was the first in a month and a half, where Egypt and the United Nations brokered a calm understanding between Israel and Hamas ending few days of Israeli airstrikes on the enclave and militants rockets attacks into Israel.

Following the understanding on calm, Israel agreed to ease its tight restrictions imposed on Hamas and allowed Qatari financial grant and fuels into the Gaza Strip to pay Hamas employees salaries and resolve a severe shortage of electricity.