Syrian Interim Government slams regime's refugee conference as 'new trick'

Syrian Interim Government Head Abdurrahman Mustafa

12 Nov 2020; MEMO: The head of the Syrian Interim Government, Abdul-Rahman Mustafa, has criticised the refugee conference organised by the regime in Damascus and described it as a new "trick", Anadolu news agency reported.

Mustafa told the agency that the conference, held with Russian support and funding, aims to obtain funds from the international community under the pretext of securing the return of refugees and reconstruction, pointing out that Moscow would later plunder the funds, as compensation for the support it provided the regime by bombing Syrian cities.

Mustafa rejected Russia's role as a "guarantor" for the political solution and the return of refugees in Syria, explaining that Moscow is one of the most prominent supporters of the "murderous Assad regime".

"Before holding such a conference, it is necessary to secure safe conditions for the return of refugees, achieve a political transfer of power under international supervision, release all detainees, remove militias supported by Russia and Iran and hand over criminals to justice," he added.

The Syrian regime is holding a two-day conference aimed at facilitating the return of millions of refugees to the war-torn country. It is expected to conclude today.

The United States and the European Union announced that they would not participate in the conference and described it as "premature".