6 Palestinians injured in clashes with Israeli soldiers in Occupied Territory

Israeli soldier

RAMALLAH, Jan. 12 (Xinhua) -- At least six Palestinians were injured on Saturday evening during clashes with Israeli army forces which stormed the city of Ramallah, Palestinian medics said.

The six were injured by rubber gunshots in the fierce clashes that broke out in the center of Ramallah after an Israeli army force stormed the city on Saturday evening, said the Health Ministry in a press statement.

Palestinian security sources in Ramallah told Xinhua that Israeli army forces stormed several neighborhoods in the city and reached the surroundings of the city's municipality.

They added that fierce clashes broke out between dozens of young men and Israeli soldiers, who fired rubber gunshots and tear gas to disperse the young men who threw stones at the soldiers.

The sources also said that the Israeli army forces broke into several stores and shops in the city and confiscated the outside cameras which kept records to look for gunmen who opened fire at Israeli settlers on Saturday.

It is the second week in a raw that the Israeli army forces storm in Ramallah, which is classified as Area A that is under the full Palestinian Authority control, where the city is considered as the capital of the Palestinian Authority (PA).

The PA government condemned the Israeli army incursion into the city center, holding the Israeli government fully responsible for pushing the situation to more deterioration and giving a free hand to Israeli settlers to continue their terror assaults.