Switzerland: World Health Assembly Approves Resolution On Health Conditions In Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syrian Golan

World Health Assembly

GENEVA, May 27 (NNN-AGENCIES) – A draft resolution on health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, was approved yesterday at the ongoing virtual World Health Assembly (WHA).

The resolution, with a significant majority of countries voting to support, was submitted by more than 20 countries and regions, such as, Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Syria, according to the decision made last year in WHA, the highest decision-making body of the World Health Organisation (WHO).

A total of 83 votes were in favour for the resolution and 14 were against it, while 39 countries abstained.

Suggestions involving the efforts of providing health support for the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan were presented in the resolution.

According to the resolution, efforts are requested to support the Palestinian health sector using a health system strengthening approach.

The resolution also suggests ensuring sustainable procurement of WHO prequalified vaccines, medicines and medical equipment to the occupied Palestinian territory, in compliance with international humanitarian law and the WHO’s norms and standards, as well as, ensuring non-discriminatory, affordable and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, for the protection of occupied population in compliance with international law.

The international community has been concerned about the recent serious conflict between Palestine and Israel and the humanitarian crisis after the conflict, including health situation.