Fatah slams Israeli settler calls for Abbas' death

RAMALLAH, 10 Feb 2019; AA: Palestinian group Fatah on Sunday decried calls by Israeli settlers for the assassination of President Mahmoud Abbas.

"The Israeli incitement is the result of the policy of hatred practiced by the Israeli government against the Palestinians," Fatah spokesman Osama al-Qawasmi said in a statement.

He accused Israel of fomenting terrorism by "pursuing its occupation, building an Apartheid barrier, preventing the freedom of movement, [carrying out] field executions and home demolitions and killing and arresting children".

"It is not President Abbas, who is defending the rights of our people in accordance with international legitimacy," the spokesman said.

There was no comment from the Israeli government on the Fatah's statement.

Settlers reportedly called for Abbas' killing during rallies staged in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and several settlements in the West Bank on Saturday.

The protesters carried banners that called for the "liquidation of murder financiers", along with photos of Abbas.

U.S.-sponsored peace talks between the Palestinians and Israel collapsed in 2014 over the latter's refusal to halt settlement building in the occupied West Bank.