Venezuelan foreign minister labels Guaido as US president’s envoy

 Jorge Arreaza

CARACAS, March 9. /TASS/. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza criticized the opposition on Saturday’s anti-imperialist rally in Caracas, labeling opposition leader Juan Guaido as US President Donald Trump’s envoy.

"They do their utmost and even more. They make visits to foreign ministries to the most remote from Venezuela countries. Then, US ambassadors begin blackmailing those governments so that they will stop recognizing Venezuela’s legitimate authorities," Arreaza said aired by the Union Radio station.

According to the Venezuelan foreign minister, opposition leader Juan Guaido "is Donald Trump’s ambassador to Venezuela."

Arreaza added that Washington’s steps against President Nicolas Maduro’s government failed to bring about any results.

Turmoil in Venezuela

Juan Guaido, Venezuelan opposition leader and parliament speaker, whose appointment to that position had been cancelled by the country’s Supreme Court, declared himself interim president at a rally in the country’s capital of Caracas on January 23. Several countries, including the United States, Lima Group members (excluding Mexico), as well as the Organization of American States, recognized him as president. Venezuela's incumbent President Nicolas Maduro blasted these actions as an attempted coup and said that he was cutting diplomatic ties with Washington.

In contrast, Russia, Belarus, Bolivia, Iran, China, Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Syria and Turkey voiced support for Maduro.