Pakistani PM Calls For Unity Of Islamic World, Assistance To Afghanistan

Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD, Mar 23 (NNN-APP) – Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan, here yesterday, called for the unity of the Islamic world, to deal with problems faced by Muslims across the globe and bring peace in the world.

Khan made the remarks, during his keynote speech at the 48th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which kicked off here yesterday.

According to the Foreign Ministry of Pakistan, global and regional landscapes, sustainable development and climate change, are among the topics that will be discussed at the two-day session, under the theme of “Building Partnerships for Unity, Justice and Development.”

Talking about the Afghanistan issue, Khan said, the country has suffered years-long conflict, adding, helping Afghanistan and remove sanctions is important to avoid a humanitarian crisis.

Speaking at the session, Secretary-General of the OIC, Hissein Brahim Taha, called for concerted efforts by all member states of the OIC, to counter challenges being faced by the Muslim community across the world.

Talking about Afghanistan, he said, efforts should be made to bring stability to the country, adding that, Muslim countries should continue providing financial support to Afghanistan.