Turkey warns Libya not to create new clashes as peace sustained

25 March 2022; MEMO: Turkey urged Libya to refrain from any steps that would recreate conflict and called on authorities to follow democratic processes, amid a crisis over control of executive power in the country, Turkish media reports.

According to the report, Turkey's National Security Council (MGK) called on parties involved in Libya to "refrain from steps that could cause new clashes" and urged authorities in the country to "follow democratic processes on the basis of legitimacy for the achievement of lasting peace and stability."

On 1 March, a new parliament was set up in Libya.

Prime Minister-designate, Fathi Bashagha, submitted his Cabinet to the east-based House of Representatives, where 92 of 101 legislators in attendance approved it, during a vote that was broadcast live from the city of Tobruk.

Libya's political crisis escalated since the deferment of the scheduled elections in December, which was planned as part of a peace process to reunite the country after years of chaos and war following a 2011 NATO-backed uprising.

During a clash between two governments in Libya, Turkey supported the UN-led government and signed a military and maritime agreement in 2019.