India: What does a person feel when asked, do you have a mobile?

Kanpur: The time he picked up speed to move swiftly, a mature girl student approaching him asked for the mobile. "Do you have a phone?" Asked the veiled girl. No, said the young man. Verily, he felt no qualm in aptly uttering the truth. He was not acquiring a mobile phone at that very particular time. The initial gaze communication was there, or so the man thought. The girl's question was not premeditated but abruptly raised in need.

Knowing that she had a lot more distance to go, it was particularly not good enough to sneer at her elegances. But he helped her arrange the mobile from another girl. She required the phone just to call someone from home to return. Her desperate wait was lengthening so she looked to be a bit restless. Being afternoon the scorching sun was shining at its maximum heat, but she was neither thinking of the time nor the temperature.

Anyhow, her only concern concentrated around the presence of her near one with whom she could return. It was because of this quickness she tried to procure a phone from someone who looked to be gentle, simple and honest. She was tempted to borrow a mobile phone from him.

Since the road was not as much occupied by vehicles, traffic was light. There was no need to feel like a nervous kid, she thought to herself. Her age would not have been below twenty years. 

Though four-wheelers were moving fast, the examinees were returning one by one. She had a peculiarity that can not be explained. A woman of character at one point, she finally left not after making a call in front of the man but he did not stay. He moved up within a few minutes. He was seen moving on the road heading towards the railway gate.

Like it or not, it was a minimal percentage of help that the girl in need desired to secure to get. Human nature handles it a certain way yet it often results in severe discomfort in the mental stance. 

They have got to learn their respective manners but avoided a shift into their sudden discussion. Had it resulted in making them dreamy at the end of the day?