Three Kashmiris killed by Indian security forces in Shopian

 Indian security forces

Three Kashmiri separatists were killed by India security forces in an alleged encounter in Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir's Shopian district on Thursday.

India security forces allege to have launched an anti-separatists operation in Yawran forests in the district following information about their presence, a J&K police spokesperson said.

The slain separatists have been identified as “Sajad Khanday, Aqib Ahmad Dar and Basharat Ahmad Mir, all residents of Pulwama," the spokesperson said.

The separatists were wanted by Indian law enforcement agencies for their complicity for attacks on Indian “security establishments" the spokesperson alleged.

Independent bodies have yet to confirm whether those killed were separatists, or their alleged involvement in activities claimed by the Indian security forces.

Human rights organisations have claimed constant human rights abuses in Jammu and Kashmir, a disputed territory administered by India, including mass killings, forced disappearances, torture, rape and sexual abuse to political repression and suppression of freedom of speech.

UN human rights report on Kashmir in June 2018 has called for international inquiry into ongoing human rights violations and abuses in Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Rights Groups referred in Wikipedia; about “100,000 people have died since 1989 while the official figures from Indian sources state the estimates of number of civilians killed due to the insurgency in the range of 16,725 to 47,000”

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) recently adopted a resolution on Jammu and Kashmir, condemning the “atrocities and human rights violations” in the state,

The resolution on Kashmir used phrases such as “Indian terrorism” and “mass blindings” by Indian security forces on protesting youth.