Egypt: President dismisses judiciary's second in command


03 Dec 2022; MEMO: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi issued a decision dismissing Counsellor Mahmoud Mostafa Sayed Abdel Rahman, deputy head of the State Council and the second most senior judicial official, after he conducted prohibited commercial activities.

According to Egypt Today, the dismissal of the new advisor was due to him doing business prohibited by the judiciary. Abdel Rahman was preparing to open a chain of restaurants in Guinea before his partner filed a complaint against him to the State Council due to financial disputes.

Abdel Rahman is the second deputy head of the State Council to be dismissed by Al-Sisi within six months.

Al-Sisi decided last June to dismiss Counsellor Muhammad Ali Mahmoud Hashem, deputy head of the State Council. The decision was based on a ruling issued by the State Council members' disciplinary board on 30 March.

Hashem's dismissal came after his business partner also filed a complaint against him at the State Council. It added that doing business is prohibited for judges in Egypt and abroad.

The dismissed official used his judicial capacity to facilitate his business with the authorities in the African country.