Russian ombudswoman denies discussing prisoner swap with Ukrainian counterpart

Tatyana Moskalkova

MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/: Russian ombudswoman Tatiana Moskalkova told TASS on Tuesday that she did not discuss prisoner-exchange issues with her Ukrainian counterpart, Dmitry Luninets in Ankara.

"I am surprised to see reports in the mass media and on social networks about possible prisoner exchanges between Russia and Ukraine, where 800 people on the Ukrainian side are to be swapped for 200 Russians. We never spoke about such an exchange during my talks with Ukrainian ombudsman Dmitry Lubinets in Ankara. I always stress that these matters are in the purview of the Russian defense ministry," she said.

"Such an unequal exchange cannot be considered fair," she said. "The issue of the repatriation of those wounded has a different legal nature and other approaches under the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War."

The Hurriyet newspaper said earlier, citing Turkish ombudswoman Seref Malkoc, that Ukraine had allegedly handed over an exchange list of 800 people, while Russia’s list had 200 names, mostly wounded military and civilians.