Egypt, Jordan, Palestine Highlighted Need To Preserve Palestinian Rights, Achieve Peace

Abdel Fattah al Sisi, King Abdullah II and Mahmoud Abbas

CAIRO, Jan 18 (NNN-MENA) – Leaders of Egypt, Jordan and Palestine, highlighted the need to preserve the “legitimate” Palestinian rights, and continue joint efforts to achieve comprehensive, just, and permanent peace in the region.

During a tripartite summit held in Egypt’s capital, Cairo, Egyptian President, Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, King Abdullah II of Jordan and Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, discussed the Palestinian issue in light of the current developments in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The three leaders pledged to continue joint efforts to achieve a comprehensive peace, based on the two-state solution, “which embodies an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the borders of Jun 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital,” in accordance with international law, international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, according to a statement by the Egyptian Presidency.

They also stressed the need for the international community to provide protection for the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights and confirmed the need to halt illegal unilateral Israeli measures that undermine the two-state solution and opportunities for achieving just and comprehensive peace.

These measures “include settlements, confiscation of Palestinian lands, demolitions of homes, the displacement of Palestinians from their homes, the continuous raids into Palestinian cities, and the violation of the historical and legal status in Jerusalem and its sanctities,” said the statement.

They underlined the necessity to preserve the historical and legal status of Jerusalem and its Islamic and Christian sanctities, unify the Palestinians to end their internal division and take effective measures to alleviate the deteriorating living conditions in the Gaza Strip.

The leaders also noted the importance of international support for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, to continue to provide vital services for the refugees.

They agreed to continue intensive consultation within the Egyptian-Jordanian-Palestinian coordination framework at all levels, to promote the resumption of peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.