Kurdish groups contribute to attack on Isfahan facility

bombing on military factory in Isfahan

Tehran, IRNA – The parts of the Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) used in an attack on a military workshop in Isfahan have been transported into Iran by some anti-Revolution Kurdish militant groups deployed in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

According to confirmed information, the Kurdish militant groups received the parts of the MAVs and munitions from security services of other governments and delivered the shipment via difficult routes into a border city in northwestern Iran.

The fragments and explosives were assembled in an equipped workshop by trained forces in order to be used against a military workshop complex belonging to the Ministry of Defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Isfahan.

Another Kurdish terrorist group was arrested by the Iranian intelligence forces in mid-summer when they were planning an attack on Isfahan’s industrial facility.

The nabbed terrorists were trained by Israel’s Mossad elements in another country to carry out sabotage operations in Iran. The terrorists transferred very advanced equipment and explosives from Iraq’s Kurdistan region into Iran with the aim of detonating an important facility in Isfahan.

The Iranian government has been warned on several occasions to prevent the destructive moves by the anti-Revolution Kurds in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

The continuation of the terrorist activities by the Kurdish groups indicates that the Iraqi government has not yet succeeded in conducting its legal duties in this regard.