Russia rejects West’s attempts to impose its values on other nations

 Vladimir Putin

MOSCOW, April 25. /TASS/. The cooperation between Russia and China has become an important factor of stabilization amid West’s attempts to become the sole and uncontestable leader on the international arena, Russian President Vladimir Putin told China’s Renmin Ribao newspaper.

"The Russian-Chinese cooperation in foreign policy is an important factor in stabilizing global affairs, especially because our countries have overlapping or close stances on the key present-day issues," the Russian leader said in an interview published on Thursday ahead of his visit to the country.

"Regretfully, certain Western nations lay claims for becoming the world’s sole leader," Putin continued. "They have been trampling upon the norms and principles of the international law; resorting to blackmail, sanctions and pressure; trying to force whole countries and peoples accept their values and questionable ideals."

"We totally disagree with such approaches," the Russian leader said.

He said that in order to improve the international situation and shape a more fair and democratic world order, Russia and China continue to closely coordinate their steps on the most pressing global and regional issues and to "cooperate closely" within the leading multinational organizations, such as the United Nations, G20, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) group of nations and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum.

"At the same time, we are always open for cooperation and joint work with all those who share our views, with those who are interested in developing inter-state relations on the inviolable basis of the UN Charter and the international law," Putin said.

The Russian president will visit China on April 26-27 to take part in the second One Belt One Road international cooperation forum.