India: Tough maths prompts high school students to go to tuition

Kanpur: The confidence builds up following success in the examinations. The students start paying more attention to their studies for the next promoted class.

Such a kind of attitude was seen among a few students when they began attending tutorial classes, particularly for tougher subjects like mathematics before the start of the new academic session.

As they are very well aware of the fact that Hook festivals are continuing, they do not want to waste their time on frivolous things. 

Not-so-studious student Saad bought the maths book and started joining his tuition class to be more expert in solving the tough problems of maths. He knows his position in this dry subject. Therefore he thought it fit to learn to solve the lessons.

When he was asked about his early tuition he pointed out it was far better to study rather than to feel falling into uncertainty. Slow learning will pay him at last, he amply believes.