Iran announces work to resume flights to Saudi Arabia

Iran Air

15 Mar 2023; MEMO: The Iranian Civil Aviation Organisation announced yesterday that work is underway to resume flights with Saudi Arabia, following an agreement concluded between Tehran and Riyadh on Friday to restore bilateral ties.

This came in statements made by the spokesperson of the Iranian Civil Aviation Organisation (CAO), Jafar Yazerlou.

Yazerlou said after reviewing resuming flights with Saudi Arabia, the necessary and official permits for these flights will be issued, and flights will be established between the two countries.

Iran and Saudi Arabia announced last Friday that they will resume diplomatic relations in two months. The agreement followed negotiations hosted by China.

Relations between Riyadh and Tehran were severed in 2016 when Iranian protesters attacked the Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran after the kingdom executed an opposition Shia cleric. Other Gulf states, including Bahrain, the UAE and Kuwait, subsequently cut ties with Iran in a show of solidarity with Saudi Arabia.