Israel: Man 'sent to assassinate' US envoy to Tel Aviv

Thomas R Nides

22 Mar 2023; MEMO: Israeli Police yesterday filed an incitement against a 33-year-old Israeli who threatened the US Ambassador to Tel Aviv, Tom Nides, a day earlier.

The indictment submitted to the Magistrate's Court in Jerusalem indicated that on Monday, at around 20:00, the ambassador was in Jerusalem with a group of people at Chakra restaurant. The ambassador's guards were in the diplomatic vehicle and were approached by the accused, who asked if the American ambassador was at the restaurant and if he could speak to him.

After a guard said he couldn't answer the question about a foreign diplomat for security reasons, the man allegedly answered, "That's a shame, I've been sent to assassinate the US ambassador." Police were then called to the restaurant and they arrested the suspect.

The indictment filed with the Public Prosecution stated that "the suspect threatened tophysically harm the US Ambassador to Israel."